01773 441488
We are currently closed until the end of March
General Data Protection Regulation (May 2018)
At the Dog and Spoon under the terms of our License with Bolsover Council, we are required to take and maintain information on our clients and their dogs. These include name, address, email, telephone numbers of the owner and of an emergency contact as instructed by you, also details of the dogs and any medical conditions along with vaccination expiry dates and details of your vet. This data is provided by yourselves by completion of a holiday questionnaire in our reception, by email, or electronic means before being transferred onto our kennel boarding system. The original electronic data is held by providers who comply with the EU Safe Harbor Rules. We do not process this information in any way other than to print out feeding records for your dog during their stay and an invoice for payment of the dogs stay. We do not use the data for any other purposes other than if we need to contact yourselves during your dogs stay, in case of an emergency, or your vets. We do not share your information with anyone. However, we are inspected annually by Bolsover Council and they have the right to see completed boarding records to confirm that we are complying with the terms of our License. We do not hold any credit or debit card data on site; with processing being undertaken by our providers secure servers.